Setup a WiFi-direct® network

Scenarios covered by 'Wi-Fi direct':

  • You can transfer data between devices without internet connection, router or any other connection type.
  • You can stream media, send a presentation or display a file on a button press
  • You can create a secure private network with DHCP server included


  • RaspberryPi
  • Wi-Fi Direct®
  • P2P GO mode

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Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct® is a certification mark for devices supporting a technology that enables Wi-Fi devices to connect directly, making it simple and convenient to do things like print, share, sync and display.
Products bearing the Wi-Fi Direct certification mark can connect to one another without joining a traditional home, office or hotspot network.

System setup: RaspberryPi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3
OS: 2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch-full.imgs

RaspberryPi setup(server)

1. configure wpa_supplicant service to setup a 'Wi-Fi direct' server. edit wpa_supplicant.config

I'll use WPA supplicant service for network setup. It's a network service supporting WEP, WPA and WPA2; It implements key negotiation with a WPA authenticator and it controls the roaming and IEEE 802.11 authentication/association of the wireless driver.

$ sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
the file should look like:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

#log/debug settings
2. kill wpa_supplicant service if it's already started.

$ sudo killall wpa_supplicant
3. delete wlan0 setup file if it's already setup

$ sudo rm /var/run/wpa_supplicant/wlan0
4. start wpa_supplicant service:

$ sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -D nl80211 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
$ reboot
IF the service started with success you can enter the console mode.

5. enter wpa_console:

$ sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0
6. create group(access point)

We'll use command line interface for AP related commands

> p2p_group_add
this should generate a log with some data regarding the created access point.
in case it worked fine, it will also create a new interface named p2p-wlan0-0
if the group is created sucessfully nothing is returned besides OK and specifications of the AP.
if the group is not created, a error message with some reason will be returned
we can delete the group created with the command: p2p_group_remove p2p-wlan0-0

Free HTML5 Template by FreeHTML5.coAP creation. p2p-wlan0-0 interface created OK

7. for external connection/media transfer you need to generate a pin on the new interface

$ wpa_cli -i p2p-wlan0-0
# generate a connection pin

> wps_pin any
# or a specific pin: 1234

> wps_pin any 1234
this pin is generated in case you need to send media to the device
For the permanent connection you need the SSID generated, in this case we have:
SSID:'DIRECT-F9' with the pass: 'LA0BiJhQ'
OK, now we have the setup up and running.

Client setup - the second RPi

Now, we want to connect to this WiFi-direct's AP another RaspberryPi
# enter wpa_supplicant console for interface wlan0

$ sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0
# inside the console we need to join the group

> p2p_connect < hw_address_for_p2p-wlan0-0 of the RPi1 > <pin created, in this case 1234> join
Note: to disconnect to the AP
p2p_remove_client <hw_address_for_p2p-wlan0-0 of the RPi1>
We need to check if we have a p2p-wlan0-0 interface created and with IP

Free HTML5 Template by FreeHTML5.coclient joining AP. p2p-wlan0-0 interface created OK

IF we have ip than everything is ok and, on the server side(RPI1) we can see the connected devices:

$ sudo arp -a

Get Started

If you need some guidance in engineering field or you're seeking for some help don't hesitate to write me.

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